So recently I have been dibbling, and dabbling into the world of Acrylics and let me tell you… WHO KNEW I WAS A PICCASO?
So here is one of my first paintings and now FOR SALE!! @IssaNew Art
ISSAART is the hub of all upcoming and inspiring artists, whether its your first mix-tape or your first song/video, you can have it featured and highlighted all at once. ISSAART is not solely for or limited to Musicians but to anyone who considers their work "ART". Our Mission is to provide artist with a direct and personal connection to their potential Fans, we allow the artist to be in control of what is presented to the audience.
So recently I have been dibbling, and dabbling into the world of Acrylics and let me tell you… WHO KNEW I WAS A PICCASO?
So here is one of my first paintings and now FOR SALE!! @IssaNew Art