Hey what’s up!! It’s YA Girl @therealyoshib!!
I’m a 24 year old Journalist from Vallejo CA. Founder of this here artist hub. I am a writer, painter, poet, singer/songwriter, content creator, and Mother. I created “ISSAART.COM” with true artists and creators in mind. I had come to realize there was a fast growing market and plethora of people who claim to be artists but are merely creating for the paycheck. If that is your goal, perfectly fine by me…. But I wanted to shine a light on those who truly put their heart and soul into their projects/creations. I myself come from a long line of musicians and poets. My grandfather raised my mother and her siblings in a musically charged home. As far back as I can remember, I recall taking drives with my grandparents in their old school whip, blasting nothing but “Oldies but Goodies.” That era of music alone has had such an impact on my relationship with not just music but art.
My goal with this space is to create and give room for those creators to shine, and be able to get their work out there. I sit down with creators from all over and dive into their world of artistic expression. I have a basic line of “Get to know ya” questions I like to ask, but I like to take things a lot further. I get into deep conversation with the guests and try to understand exactly what art means to them and how they have taken that word and made it reality for themselves.
We welcome all forms of art here……SO DON’T BE AFFRAID!!! We WANT YOU!!
I welcome all and any creators to join the IssaartFamily!! I have made some changes to the submission process, so please feel free to DM me directly or complete our questionnaire to be contacted, if interested. You can also email us your work @